Wednesday, April 29, 2009

*pouty lip*

Missed 2 days of blogging -- 1 day because I was totally exhausted and the other because Forest took our desktop to work (it's still there but that's ok with me because I like the laptop better). Hannah is growing sooo fast. Now she pokes her bottom lip out before crying and she fake cries- It;s cute now but I imagine one day I will hate it. She is no longer sleeping though the night, Forest woke up with her like 4 times last night. ---- We have found a new hobby! Geocaching. We went out to the Midway cemetery to look for a hidden ammo box in a pile of rotting logs...we gave up and possibly got west nile.. Next spot we went to was J.F. Gregory, we found one hidden in a bird house on the walking trail, actually I found it =] On our way back to the car we saw 2 bunnies and a skinny raccoon. Hannah got to stay with her Poppa Doodle and her Mimi- she likes going over there because she gets attention the entire time we are there and plus Mimi sings to her and Popa plays her reggae music. So far she has been away from Momma a total of maybe 3 hours. My mom watched her yesterday while I picked Forest up to come get the computer and she loooved it. Last night was the first night Hannah slept in her crib. We have completely rearranged our room and her nursery so that the crib could go by my bed, I couldn't stand the thought of her being away from throughout the night. She did good, except for the waking up 4 times. I think she likes it because she can spread out and she doesn't have to sleep with the covers on her- she is warm natured like her daddy and fusses when she is just a little bit warm- we have to dance in front of the fan for her to stop crying. We became a member of and finally got some pictures of Hannah to put in our room. Today we may be going to Savannah to pick up a jogging stroller from a freecycle member- then I can take her to the park with me and not have to push her giant stroller around. Oh, she also sleeps with her hands on her face, like "Oh, my life is so hard!".... Anyways--she is gettin fussy and Forest gets a little scared when she fusses...

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