Wednesday, April 22, 2009

43 days out of the womb.

Today was my last appointment with Dr. Crute... all is well in that "area". Hannah has been a really good girl today-except while we were trying to find parking at the hospital but thats ok because she went to sleep once we got in the office. Nothing really exciting or new happened today..We stopped by my moms house after our quick trip to Savannah and she gave me a box full of coffee--WEEE...come on caffeine =] A lot of Hannah's clothes are too small already so I am in the process of finding someone who really needs them- Once again another successful bath tonight, only this time dad put on his swimming shorts and got in with her! So cute. ~My sweet girl is fast asleep in her bassinet right now and so I think Forest and I are going to spend some quality time talking and possibly painting together before we call it a night.
we are now thinking about new baby names- we can not wait to get in our own place and settled so we can try again for another baby girl :) [[i am so blessed]]

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