Thursday, April 23, 2009

What are these?!?!?

“Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you
 tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.”

  Today Hannah discovered her hands! I am so proud of her for being so smart and curious. It was so nice to lay in the bed this morning with my family and take the time to observe our little girl making her first discoveries.  - Forest                             ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                   [[About the hands from Mom-- She had her hand in a fist and slowly brought it up to her face, I think once she realized that it was connected to her hand she was terrified. Slowly she brought it closer and closer to her face, eyes getting bigger with every movement until it was so close that her eyes were absolutely crossed... So I thought that was the funniest thing she has done yet until she discovered that she has tow hands! Both hands balled up into fists she tried to follow both-like she wanted one eye to go with one hand and the other eye with the other hand..silly. Now she stares at them all the time- Soon she will be discovering her nose and her eyes will be crossed all the time..]]                           She is such a funny girl already- she is smiling so much and loves when I sing to her =] I can not wait to hear her first real laugh..I think about it every time I see her smile. She is growing everyday and now I think I finally see what people mean when they say enjoy everyday with her because they go so fast.. It really feels like I have had her longer than 44 days.. But at the same time it feels like she is a new baby every single day because every day is so different from the last. I love being a mom--better yet, I love being Hannah's momma. I am so thankful for all the blessings that God has given me.

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