Wednesday, April 29, 2009

*pouty lip*

Missed 2 days of blogging -- 1 day because I was totally exhausted and the other because Forest took our desktop to work (it's still there but that's ok with me because I like the laptop better). Hannah is growing sooo fast. Now she pokes her bottom lip out before crying and she fake cries- It;s cute now but I imagine one day I will hate it. She is no longer sleeping though the night, Forest woke up with her like 4 times last night. ---- We have found a new hobby! Geocaching. We went out to the Midway cemetery to look for a hidden ammo box in a pile of rotting logs...we gave up and possibly got west nile.. Next spot we went to was J.F. Gregory, we found one hidden in a bird house on the walking trail, actually I found it =] On our way back to the car we saw 2 bunnies and a skinny raccoon. Hannah got to stay with her Poppa Doodle and her Mimi- she likes going over there because she gets attention the entire time we are there and plus Mimi sings to her and Popa plays her reggae music. So far she has been away from Momma a total of maybe 3 hours. My mom watched her yesterday while I picked Forest up to come get the computer and she loooved it. Last night was the first night Hannah slept in her crib. We have completely rearranged our room and her nursery so that the crib could go by my bed, I couldn't stand the thought of her being away from throughout the night. She did good, except for the waking up 4 times. I think she likes it because she can spread out and she doesn't have to sleep with the covers on her- she is warm natured like her daddy and fusses when she is just a little bit warm- we have to dance in front of the fan for her to stop crying. We became a member of and finally got some pictures of Hannah to put in our room. Today we may be going to Savannah to pick up a jogging stroller from a freecycle member- then I can take her to the park with me and not have to push her giant stroller around. Oh, she also sleeps with her hands on her face, like "Oh, my life is so hard!".... Anyways--she is gettin fussy and Forest gets a little scared when she fusses...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What a night!

Last night was a HORRIBLE night. No sleep for mommy =[ Hannah was super fussy and there was nothing I could do to sooth her. We woke up 4 times.. I had to pass her off this morning so I could get 30 minutes of sleep.-- As for today. When I woke up I found Hanny girl sitting in her bouncer in the kitchen with Granny..I ate breakfast and watched her stare at her toys hanging from the bouncer, she loves them. She laughed, "talked to them" and smiled for 20 minutes.. unfortunately I had to take her out and change her and then the smiling and laughing stopped. Forest came home for lunch around 12:30-we ate and then took him back to work.. She stays awake the majority of the day now which just makes it harder to get the house work done- And I guess now that Forest is home and with Hannah I should be folding clothes.. I need a break sometimes so the laundry can wait. We went Geocaching today- found a half eaten bag of sunflower seeds, a key and a High School Musical bracelet.. It was too dark to go down the nature trail to look for the big caches. Tomorrow will be another adventure. Hopefully we will see more raccoons =] Miss Priss is fussing because Forest is changing her.. Mom to the rescue. --Pray that she sleeps tonight!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

PopEye ;)

Scootie got to stay at her Poppa Doodles today while I went to Wal-Mart for a few things. She is such a good baby.. She even waited till momma got there to have a stinky- Lucky me.. She loves her little mouse rattle that hangs on the car seat that her Memaw got her-its so cute to watch her look at it and then try to grab it. We had a pretty good night last night even though Forest and I stayed up kinda late just watching T.V. so it was hard waking up for the first bottle.. (We are actually trying to wake her up now so we can get her fed and asleep, then we are going right to sleep!) Im pretty sure she is going to like the same music that her Daddy and Poppa Doodle like- Her Poppa sung Jimmy Buffet today and she stared at him throughout the entire song...- Have to go for the night so I can get her to wake up or I will be awake all night. Oh- the joys of being a parent..poops,bottles,pee,sleep,crying,more poop,bottle,another pee, then peed on, then sleep, tons more crying, millions and millions of tiny baby socks to keep up with, a giant diaper bag to carry around, not to mention the awkward car seat that has to be carried around, oh and did I mention the poops and pees?!?!!? It's honestly the greatest thing in the world. I love my Hanny =]

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What are these?!?!?

“Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you
 tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.”

  Today Hannah discovered her hands! I am so proud of her for being so smart and curious. It was so nice to lay in the bed this morning with my family and take the time to observe our little girl making her first discoveries.  - Forest                             ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                   [[About the hands from Mom-- She had her hand in a fist and slowly brought it up to her face, I think once she realized that it was connected to her hand she was terrified. Slowly she brought it closer and closer to her face, eyes getting bigger with every movement until it was so close that her eyes were absolutely crossed... So I thought that was the funniest thing she has done yet until she discovered that she has tow hands! Both hands balled up into fists she tried to follow both-like she wanted one eye to go with one hand and the other eye with the other hand..silly. Now she stares at them all the time- Soon she will be discovering her nose and her eyes will be crossed all the time..]]                           She is such a funny girl already- she is smiling so much and loves when I sing to her =] I can not wait to hear her first real laugh..I think about it every time I see her smile. She is growing everyday and now I think I finally see what people mean when they say enjoy everyday with her because they go so fast.. It really feels like I have had her longer than 44 days.. But at the same time it feels like she is a new baby every single day because every day is so different from the last. I love being a mom--better yet, I love being Hannah's momma. I am so thankful for all the blessings that God has given me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

43 days out of the womb.

Today was my last appointment with Dr. Crute... all is well in that "area". Hannah has been a really good girl today-except while we were trying to find parking at the hospital but thats ok because she went to sleep once we got in the office. Nothing really exciting or new happened today..We stopped by my moms house after our quick trip to Savannah and she gave me a box full of coffee--WEEE...come on caffeine =] A lot of Hannah's clothes are too small already so I am in the process of finding someone who really needs them- Once again another successful bath tonight, only this time dad put on his swimming shorts and got in with her! So cute. ~My sweet girl is fast asleep in her bassinet right now and so I think Forest and I are going to spend some quality time talking and possibly painting together before we call it a night.
we are now thinking about new baby names- we can not wait to get in our own place and settled so we can try again for another baby girl :) [[i am so blessed]]

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

--Whew- What a day.

Oh..where to begin. Last night Hannah and I spent time over at Teresa and Danny's...I had to make a emergency trip to Kroger to get Miss Pootie Head some gas drops.. Forest got off work at 9pm and then we had to go to Wal-mart to get our first pack of diapers and wipes ((the diapers from my baby shower lasted a little over a month!)) Forest also got a case for his new iPhone that his boss bought him for work-Im so jealous, I hate my phone. He ended up staying awake until almost 3 in the morning..Hannah fell asleep and so did I after a while of watching pointless cooking shows-I think yesterday I finally realized that you should only watch cooking shows if you are in the kitchen cooking or if you are trying to find recipes..I don't do either so I'm done watching the Food Network, it only makes me hungry. & late night  trips to McDonalds aren't going to do me any good on my diet...but back to the subject of Forest and Hannah..he fed her before he went to bed and changed her diaper because I was already asleep..she woke up about 3 hours later and I woke up and just laid there for a few minutes thinking she would go back to sleep- Forest didn't like that so much so he got up and fed her again..This morning we woke up with Hannah around 8 and I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open so once again Forest fed her.. When it was time for my shower this morning someone was a little fed up with me. I guess I see why. So I got about a 5 minute shower so I could get Hannah dressed and ready for the day...then I had to feed her and change her..[[she is up to 6oz of formula all the time now]]. Forest decided to go in the bathroom and cut off all his hair.... I have to admit though, it looks really good. He worked today from 12pm-9pm..long day.. 

Today me and Hannah went over to my moms for a while..She slept most of the time which gave me a chance to hold my baby sister Victoria and talk with my little sisters Emily and Olivia--Oh and I got to watch them play their daddy's funny.. She may be getting a little sick from being around Lily yesterday..I am keeping a close watch on her for the rest of the day to make sure her breathing and diapers aren't changing.. As of today she has been out of mommy's belly for 42 days! She is growing so fast! Already 12 pounds!! We have spent the majority of our time home fighting sleep, she is so tired but won't go to sleep..It's making mom have a very long, miserable day. If she gets sick I don't know what I will do. =[ Only a few more hours until Forest gets off work then it will be time to give Hanny a bath and get her ready for bed-- I am in desperate need of a break! [Oh and finding a babysitter is not as easy as I thought it would be so the beach trip will have to wait till next week and she will be going with mom and dad to the doctor tomorrow..i hope she doesn't fuss, the waiting room at my doctor is so small...] Until next time.. much love to my readers.

Monday, April 20, 2009

First Blog- April 20, 2009

Hannah was 1 month old on Friday so I thought it was time to start a blog. This morning she was staring at the side of her bassinet and she kept trying to grab the blanket that was hung on the side... after a few tries my smart girl was successful. She is such a good baby, everyone tells me she is so its not just me saying so... she hardly ever cries and sleeps almost all night. The only time she really gets fussy is if I'm late with her bottle or if she has the hiccups [[she does get them quiet frequently]]. The dreadful summer heat is on its way--she hates being covered up so maybe this will be good for her, plus she enjoys being naked, lucky her.. --Here comes "Naked Time"!-- Bath time is one of our favorite times (now that her belly button is all healed and she can actually get in the bath tub, her first "baths" were too much work because she couldn't get her belly button wet) she loooooves getting in the bathtub almost as much as she loves her swing-however there is one song that plays on her swing that is very quiet then very loud, she screams every time it gets loud. Her hair has started to fall out every where except the very back-she's momma's little mullet head =] Yesterday she giggled a little, she is very smiley in the mornings. Our days don't seem as long now but we do hate that Forest has to work so much, but who am I to complain about his job, at least he has one. As for me, well I am back to my normal self, still have a few pounds to drop before I am completely satisfied. Being a mom--- where do I start?! The first couple of days home were the hardest days of my life. I had no idea what I was doing. I hated to see her cry and not know what was wrong, I was so tired all the time. Most days I didn't even eat, how can you forget to eat?! After a couple days with the "Baby Blues", a day with my sister in law and niece Lily, I realized that if I didn't get out if that state of mind I was going to drive myself crazy.. There is still a need for some adult conversation- I'm afraid if it doesn't come soon I am going to "baby talk" when I actually do talk to someone other that my little Pootie Head Hannah. My 6 week check-up is in 2 days..I can't say I'm particularly excited about it-but I am looking forward to being able to take a bath-showers don't really help when your stressed out and tired. But it's time for a bottle.....

I did get the idea to start this blog from Jenni who blogs on her son Tildon every day.. so check hers out too.